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SSH: could not open connection to authentication agent

Option 1:

This means that the ssh-agent is not running. Type this in your terminal:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Then you only need retype ssh-add:


NB: This fix will only work for the current session. If you close your terminal, you will have to re-enter your passphrase. I recommend you couple this method with tmux, this way you can keep working with the same session. If this is not enough for you and would prefer not entering your passphrase ever again, you may also use gnome-keyring.

Option 2: Run

# Output:
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-hZQhwQlxahPX/agent.1833; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK; 
echo Agent pid 496; 

# Copy and paste the first 2 lines of output
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-hZQhwQlxahPX/agent.1833; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK; 

# Finally, run:

# List your keys with
ssh-add -l

Removing SSH passphrase

Install keychain and combine it with ssh-agent to save passphrase for all shell sessions.

df:/run/user/1000 permission denied

Df is a very handy command which reports file system disk space usage (see man df for more info). You should at least know the -h flag, which prints a human-readable result. If you ever encounter this issue, you need to type this command in your terminal:

systemctl --user stop xdg-document-portal.service

Since the latter only is a temporary fix, I encourage to also type this:

systemctl --user disable xdg-document-portal.service

If you want to know more about systemd, click on this link

Trackpad stops working

Since it frequently happened after sleep mode with Arch Linux and it has been happening again with Ubuntu (strangely it never happened with Gentoo), here is the fix I have been using. You only need 2 commands:

sudo modprobe -r psmouse #kill mouse kernel module
sudo modprobe psmouse #restart mouse kernel module

Other solution:

Fix Brave black screen

You need to start the brave browser with this flag:

brave --disable-gpu

Xbacklight No Outputs Have Backlight Property

This means no directory is set for xbacklight. To find the directory for your xbacklight settings, run the following commands:

sudo find /sys/ -type f -iname '*brightness*'

You should obtain a similar result:


Now, you only need to creare a symlink:

ln -s /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-eDP-1/intel_backlight/ /sys/class/backlight

In case the above solution did not work:

  1. Create the file xorg.conf:
sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  1. Add the following lines:
Section "Device"
Identifier  "Card0"
Driver      "intel"
Option      "Backlight"  "intel_backlight"

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